10 Years of Experience
pūr matter and our sister company, Angel Touch Commercial Cleaning, are family businesses that have been operating for over ten years.
State-of-the Art Equipment
Our state-of-the-art equipment is light, which allows us to easily move throughout your space collecting the dust from where it lies.
Flexible Scheduling
At pūr matter, we provide our high dusting service anywhere in the continental United States during hours that meet your needs.

Corey Nove
pūr matter is a local family-owned professional high-dusting service company that has been an innovator to the industry since 2018. The dream of owning our own business finally came to fruition for us in 2013 with our sister company, Angel Touch Commercial Cleaning. We, Corey and Natalie, long time Denver residents, let our entrepreneurial drive lead us down the long road of turning our vision into a reality. We both began our careers over a decade ago after receiving our respective undergraduate and graduate degrees. Our endeavors have included corporate opportunities that positioned us to take on the risk and reward associated with small business ownership.

Natalie Nove
We are a husband and wife team that is passionate about expanding the growth of environmentally-friendly products into each realm of our business. In addition, we hope to do our small part to take care of the world we leave for our children. We also strongly believe in giving back to the communities in Colorado – the home where we have enjoyed countless outdoor activities including hiking, biking and snowboarding – through environmental charitable involvements. We, the owners of pūr matter, are dedicated to building the right team and delivering the customer service and quality we have come to expect in our own personal lives.

Brian Maypole
Our SVP of Operations, Brian, shares in our passion for entrepreneurship and the health of the environment. He joined our team in 2017 and has proven dedication not only to quality customer service, but also to providing our team members with the tools and resources needed to do their job well. His lengthy experience as an operations manager and director of operations provided him the necessary skills and background to deliver the level of quality assurance and ad-hoc daily interaction our customers have come to expect. Brian loves spending time with his wife and family doing anything outdoors, including hiking, mountain biking and camping. As a true Colorado native, his appreciation and gratitude for this lifestyle has only increased over the years.
Our state-of-the-art equipment is light, which allows us to easily move throughout your space collecting the dust from where it lies. Our high dusting process takes a third of the time when compared to traditional mechanisms, is environmentally friendly and entirely non-intrusive.
Traditional process of dust removal from high-level surfaces includes the complete removal of all furniture and fixtures, the use of large equipment, knocking the dust into the floor and allergens into the air and then collecting the material.
Great people to work with! Their high-dusting process is so unique and nothing has to be moved. I would highly recommend them!
Allison Bright, Expand the Room
Request Your Free Estimate
At pūr matter, we would love to provide you with a free estimate outlining how we can meet all of your professional cleaning needs. Please feel free to email us, call us or submit the form on our contact page and we will reach out to you to see how we can make your place shine.
Repost from @purmatter
Allergy season is in full swing. If you are feeling those watery eyes, itchy nose woes may we recommend high dust removal with Pūr Matter?
Dust builds up so fast and quite frankly can be a never ending/uphill battle without the right equipment. We have the safest and most effective equipment for high dust removal in the business. Our high dust removal services take the stress out of dust removal.
This process is ideal for spaces with high ceilings + high decorative features - you know those beautiful but pesky high up hard to reach areas. High dusting helps prevent allergies by removing dust from high up and not giving it a chance to build up and trickle down to other surfaces. Our high dusting technology requires ZERO heavy equipment, has built in HEPA filters - literally filtering your air as it cleans - is non invasive, speedy and can be done on your time. Investing in proper dust removal also helps keep your filtration systems working smoothly. Keeping up with your high dusting needs met has never been easier than with Pūr Matter. For more information visit the link in bio or call 720.696.3600.
Other hot tips to help your allergies:
🌱Wash your hair regularly
🌱Change pillow cases often
🌱Invest in allergen barrier/dust mite proof pillows
🌱Keep up with dust + filter maintenance; frequent dust removal is a key player in managing allergies.
#pūrmatter #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #smallbusiness #smallbusinesslife #behindthescenes #local #keepitlocal #localandproud #whoweare #introduce #highdusting #highceiling #exposedbrick #exposedfinsh #hvac #dustbuildup #allergy #dusty #dustmagnet #Washyourhair #pillowcase #allergen #allergenbarrier #dustmite #pillows #boybye #byeallergies #nothankyou #ughallergies
Aug 23
Repost from @purmatter
Ever wonder what dust is? Dust is made of micro particles which are a breakdown of many things. The issues that dust poses to your health are in these micro particles which can be made up of chemicals from the products you use in your house/business. These chemicals can be toxic and cause harm to your health after long term build up and inhalation. Cleaning and dust removal is one way you can greatly reduce the amount of particles in your space. Our technology is designed to not only remove dust build up but to purify the air as it does; our top priority is to keep your space as free of chemical ridden dust build up as possible. For more information on how Pūr Matter can help cut the dust and chemicals from your air visit the link in bio or call 720.696.3600.
#pūrmatter #highdusting #greencleaning #ecofriendly #coloradoliving #coloradolive #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #smallbusiness #smallbusinesslife #janitorial #officecleaning #officecleaningservice #dust #meticulouslyclean #meticulous #safeandeffective #takecare #letusdust #welldoit #pride #nojobtoobig #getitdone #takeover #dream #dreamcometrue #letushelpyou #worksmartnothard #worksmart #makeithappen
Aug 23
Repost from @purmatter
You vacuum it, sweep it and wipe it off your furniture. But do you know what it actually is — and how it may affect your health? To quantify environmental influences on health, researchers have begun using an “exposome” approach, which considers every last environmental exposure an individual experiences over a lifetime. Dust is a big component of the exposome. Dust itself is not particularly harmful however the chemicals that make their way into dust that can pose problems for your health. If you have high ceiling features you run the risk of dust chemical build up and exposure because the areas are often hard to see and reach. Don’t overlook the high up dust areas, instead beat the dust and cut down on your exposome with regularly scheduled high dusting services from Pūr Matter.⠀
Our service picks dust up from where it lies and uses HEPA air purification technology which purifies your air, requires no furniture removal and is available in any state west of the Mississippi. For more information visit the link in bio or call 720.696.3600.
Aug 20
Repost from @purmatter
Ways to make high dusting more fun: Get a solid/safe ladder, pick a good playlist, cover your face, have both a dry + damp towel and once you’re done up top… be prepared to clean everything below. If this doesn’t sound that fun to you then you’re not alone. The number one way to make high dusting more fun is to outsource your high dusting needs to pūr matter! Visit the link in our bio or call720.696.3600 to learn more.⠀
#pūrmatter #highdusting #greencleaning #ecofriendly #coloradoliving #coloradolive #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #smallbusiness #smallbusinesslife #janitorial #officecleaning #officecleaningservice #dust #meticulouslyclean #meticulous #sparkling #safeandeffective #takecare #letusdust #welldoit #wegotyou
Aug 20
Repost from @purmatter
Dusting tip time! Don’t forget to dust your walls. This is one of the largest spaces in our homes and offices but it’s largely overlooked when cleaning. For simple wall dust removal use a flat head mop and a microfiber cloth sprayed with a bit of water and work the tool up and down the wall using a ‘W’ pattern to save time and energy and to ensure you’re covering the entire space. ⠀
For more info on how Pūr matter can help with your dust removal maintenance call us at 720.696.3600, toll-free at 800.660.3629 or simply complete the contact form on our website (link in bio) and one of our team members will be in touch shortly to discuss your needs.
Aug 20
Repost from @purmatter
Do you have a big cleaning job but don’t know where to start? Start from the top - always from the top down! Cleaning is one of the few instances where you start from the top and work your way down. Our business is dust removal and we can get you started on cleaning your business space and help keep it clean. With regular high dust removal you can cut down on dirt, dust and debris, keep your air cleaner and make your space feel lighter. Our technology picks dust up from where it lies and uses HEPA air purification, it requires no furniture removal, is available in any state west of the Mississippi and can be done entirely on your schedule, with our tech and expertise you get the best dust removal in the business. For more information visit the link in bio or call 720.696.3600.
Aug 20
It’s recommended that you clean/dust your ceilings + high ceiling features once a month.
Sticking to a regular schedule isn’t always easy. Scheduling regular high dusting is a great way to stay up with maintenance in your commercial space and/or home and take one thing off your to-do list. For reliable high dust removal, equipped with the best tech that picks dust up from where it lies, requires no furniture removal, uses HEPA air purification technology and is available in any state west of the Mississippi reach out at via link in bio or call 720.696.3600.
#pūrmatter greencleaning #clean #ecofriendly #coloradoliving #coloradolive #denver #denvercolorado #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #smallbusiness #smallbusinesslife #behindthescenes #local #keepitlocal #localandproud #whoweare #introduce #highdusting #highceiling #exposedbrick #exposedfinsh #hvac #dustbuildup
#allergy #dusty #dustmagnet
Aug 20
Repost from @purmatter
We use the term “HEPA” a lot when talking about our high dust removal service BUT what does it mean?
HEPA stands for “high-efficiency particulate air”.
A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air filter; it works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke. So, what does this mean for you when you choose to work with Pūr Matter for your high dust removal needs? It means that we truly decontaminate your space, we not only remove dust + dirt but the tech we use prevents it from getting spread throughout your breathing space. Most dust removal companies knock dust from up high to the ground and then vacuum it up, leaving micro particles airborne in your space and not truly collecting all the dust which kind of defeats the purpose.
If you want truly effective high dust removal service for your residential or commercial space, Pūr Matter may be able to help. Call us at 720.696.3600, toll-free at 800.660.3629 or simply complete the form on our website (link in bio) and one of our team members will be in touch shortly to discuss your needs.
May 31
Repost from @purmatter
Ceilings this high, or really anything over arms reach call for professional cleaning. At Pūr Matter we go above and beyond to make sure your high ceiling dust removal needs are taken care of. Our high dusting services remove dust, debris, pollen, dander and more from your high up hard to reach areas.
Our dust removal process is innovative, uses lightweight equipment which allows us to easily move throughout your space collecting the dust from where it lies. It takes a third of the time when compared to traditional processes, is environmentally friendly and entirely non-intrusive. Traditional processes of dust removal from high-level surfaces include the complete removal of all furniture and fixtures, the use of large equipment, knocking the dust onto the floor and allergens into the air and then collecting the dust/dirt. For a better way to remove dust visit our website via the link in ur bio or call us for your free, no pressure bid at 720.696.3600, toll-free at 800.660.3629.
May 31
Dust + dirt belong outside and we want to keep it that way. Many of the particles in dust are from plant pollen, animal hairs, minerals from outdoor soil, and other materials which may be found in the local environment. By scheduling regular high dusting services with Pūr Matter we can keep the dust where it belongs; outside. High dusting offers the ability to safely remove dust from high up, hard to reach areas. Our technology picks dust up from where it lies and uses HEPA air purification technology, it requires no furniture removal, and is available in any state west of the Mississippi. For more information on the best way to keep dust outside visit the link in bio or call 720.696.3600.
#pūrmatter greencleaning #clean #ecofriendly #coloradoliving #coloradolive #denver #denvercolorado #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #smallbusiness #smallbusinesslife #behindthescenes #local #keepitlocal #localandproud #whoweare #introduce #highdusting #highceiling #exposedbrick #exposedfinsh #hvac #dustbuildup #allergy #dusty #dustmagnet #Funfact #FrighteningFact #Friday
Jun 29